Customer Service Policy

Charcoal Chef USA, LLC seeks excellence and professionalism in customer service, both inside and outside the organization, within the limits of available and well-managed resources.


- Anticipate the needs of our clients and plan accordingly
- Provide quality products• Greet our customers promptly, cheerfully and respectfully
- Listen carefully and give full consideration to the requests and concerns of our clients
- Communicate honestly, courteously, and knowledgeably
- Follow up with our clients promptly, responsibly and efficiently
- Serve with pride, commitment and with high ethical standards
- Respect the person and encourage participation
- Document each of the requirements for future reference


It is the policy and responsibility of Marabú to provide excellent service to the public. We take customer feedback very seriously, feedback that helps us measure whether our products meet the public's needs and expectations. It also helps us identify problems that need to be resolved. While praise is always welcome, constructive criticism is very helpful in the long run. The purpose of this policy is to establish uniform standards and procedures for responding to customer feedback, thereby ensuring that those responses are timely and that issues do not “fall through the cracks.” The policy strives to treat every interaction with the public as an opportunity to produce a satisfied customer, or at least one who feels they were heard and taken seriously, even if their request was not met.


Customer feedback comes to Marabú in many ways. This policy describes a procedure to respond to complaints, service requests and queries that are presented in our offices through a visit to the client, call, letter, digital media such as social media, reviews and especially email. The Customer Service staff at Marabú is trained to attend, channel and give a timely response to each of these requirements, documenting each one of them and creating a knowledge database, to give correct answers and enrich our Questions session. and Answers in our digital media so that each of our clients, in a proactive way, can have a consultation material according to their needs and updated at all times


Each of the labels and packages that identify Marabú products contains the way to contact our company directly, either through a QRCode, URL, Address or telephone, offering the customer different options so that they can channel in a timely manner your opinions and queries about our products. For Marabú, creating a community with its customers is essential for the correct positioning of the brand and satisfaction in the use of each of its products.


Our main goal is to exceed your expectations in every interaction. Your comments and feedback regarding how well any of our products are meeting your expectations are welcome and appreciated. While we take the utmost care to ensure that we deliver our products efficiently, courteously and to a high standard, we understand that complaints can occur. A complaint, no matter how it is filed, will be investigated, resolved and used as a means to improve our service standards. If at any time during your interaction with Marabú you are not satisfied with the level of service you receive, please send a detailed summary of your concerns in writing to All concerns will be assigned to the most appropriate person or department to respond. We will acknowledge receipt of all concerns in writing within 1 business day of receipt, following a thorough investigation into the issue at hand. Resolutions will be discussed with you and then implemented to ensure you're complete satisfaction.

Copyright © 2024 Marabú Charcoal and is property of Charcoal Chef USA, LLC - All Rights Reserved